5 Tips You Missed from the Women In Business Panelists

  This year's Women in Business: Finding Your Purpose networking eventwent so well. I could not have asked for a better outcome. I was so nervous prior to the event in fear that no one will show up. It was Wednesday and only a few tickets were purchased.

I did all the promo I could have done weeks before, video, graphics, you name it, i did it. I was telling my team that I didn't think we would have as good of an outcome as I had hoped. But I pray and I kept promoting and pushing. Eventually tickets just began to sell. Then, one of the guest panelists cancels on me last minute. I wanted to scream, but still kept my cool and moved on.

I am so happy to say that I had a full house! Each chair in that room was full. The 3 panelists that attended were perfect. They did an amazing job at motivating the crowd and helping each individual there feel inspired and ready to take on the world. It is a great feeling to be in a room full of like minded individual, sharing tips and resources on how to uplift each other. I loved each moment of being surrounded by all these women.

I left the event feeling accomplished. I had the biggest smile on my face hearing all the positive feedback from everyone that attended. I built connections with amazing women. I met some great ladies and I am even considering doing another one at the end of the year.

I want to thank my team: New Vil La Radio, Josh, Chris, Rosemary, Diana.

I want to thank the wonderful panel: Penelope, Arlene and Uniris.

I would also like to thank our sponsors: C&C Deli, Minas Carnes, Deity America, Successors and Savonology for all your wonderful donations.

For those ladies that missed the event and may need a few tips on how these awesome ladies jump started their journey into entrepreneurship, here are 5 tips from the panel:

  1. Stop Procrastinating
  2. Use all the resources around you
  3. Find what your good at
  4. Be authentic
  5. Face your fears
