New Bedtime Routine Since Being Quarantine


Being quarantined has truly changed a lot for us. The days of having the girls in bed by 8:30pm so that I can then o some blogging are now behind me. I took them for granted. Since I am working from home and the girls are here with me throughout the day, I prefer they sleep in so that I am able to get some quiet time at work without being interrupted and prep for the working day. If the girls are in bed by 8:30pm, they will be up by 7am which means no quiet time for me.  

Since being quarantined, I am usually done with dinner and distance learning by 6pm. The girls have a couple hours to do their own thing before we start getting ready for bed.  I get the girls and myself ready for bed around 8pm and I let them watch some TV in my room.  


While the girls watch some television, I read a couple chapters out of a book and end the night in prayer. On some days, if there is something weighing heavy on my heart, I may journal before bed. I have always loved to read but never found the time to do. Now I am more intentional with making the time because I feel reading has helped me grow internally as an individual and how to be an overall better human being.  


Since incorporating some time with the Lord, I have found so much peace within me. I have found release of my anxiety and just being able to handle all the stresses that are happening currently during this pandemic. I have done devotionals and read scriptures that have helped me with my journaling and also helped me in better understanding the word of God.  


I have learned that scrolling through social media before bed is not always the best thing for me because I tend to wake up in a negative headspace. I have begun incorporating listening to a quick guided meditation or a podcast that will but my brain to rest. I wake up in a much better mood and in a more positive headspace.  I am still learning about meditation however, I have found that guided meditations have been a good help in getting started.