Monday Maternity Memoir - Week 6


Happy Memorial Day Guys!!

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday and day off from work. Although it is Memorial Day, its still Monday, which means a maternity update. 

I have officially stopped working both my jobs since my due date is only a couple days away. My last day was May 24, 2016. I tried to make it through most of the week but caught a horrible cold. Since I am expecting, I cannot take any medicine so I just had to stay home and rest it up.

Once I started to feel better, I started to prepare for babygirl's arrival. I washed a bunch of her laundry and ran to Babies-R-Us to grab some last minute essentials. I finally prepped her hospital bag and mine. The room is all set up and ready for her as well. I can now officially say that I am all ready for her.

D-day is approaching and I have been having a rough week. I have been doing lots of walking and drinking water to see if it helps bring D-day sooner than later. I even got a medicine ball to do some workouts to help induce labor naturally. I have begun to feel contractions and swore she was coming this weekend, but apparently not. I stayed local all weekend because of it. The contractions have started but still not consistent. I will get them for about an hr or so a day and then they go away. I am still not able to track them and they are still tolerable.  


  • getting a good nights rest
  • contractions
  • cramps
  • pelvic pains
  • nesting
  • caught a bad cold
  • closing my legs
  • walking without waddle


  • getting contractions
  • hospital bags are packed
  • nursery is all set
  • laundry done
  • no longer working

THIS WEEK'S DOCTOR VISIT: I am now at 39 weeks. I was hoping the baby would come before her due date of June 1st just because I am anxious to meet her already. However, apart of me does want a June baby, lol. I saw my regular doctor at this week's appointment. We discussed booking the C-Section two weeks after my due date so that if I do not go into spontaneous labor by then, they will just perform the cesarean. So I have three weeks to pop on my own. My weight has not changed, still 146lbs and my vitals are all great. He did check my cervix and gave me great news!! I am 3cm dilated and 80% effaced!! Which is great news for me. I have made progress from my last visit. He anticipates I will go into labor on my own and may not have to have the c-section after all. I have been hopeful ever since the visit.  I was admitted into the hospital at 3cm when delivering Amelia, so I was ecstatic to hear that my cervix is making progress on its own. So, let the waiting games begin. I have my next doctor's appointment on Friday June 3, 2016.

I will miss being pregnant, that's for sure. But apart of me is ready to have my body back and do normal things. Hopefully this is my last maternity update. I will make sure to post about d-day and my experience during the entire labor and delivery process. See you all soon!

Have a great week!