How I Plan to Level Up in 2019

It’s Official! We have entered a new year. A clean slate. A new beginning. A fresh start. I always looked forward to new years because it really does feel like a fresh start to me. 2018 was a huge growth year as I am sure you read about on my previous post. So I know that 2019 will be a year of leveling up and my goal for 2019 is to exactly that; LEVEL UP.

For starters, it is time to get intentional with my content. Not that I was unintentional before'; however I did not plan much around popular trends or time of year. For this year, I already have the first quarter all mapped out and ready for execution. I told Ariel, who is also my photographer for now, that we are going to start binging on photographer sessions. We will begin to bang out 3-4 looks per session once a week. I plan to binge a couple hours on a Saturday or a Sunday to shoot my looks and have them ready to go for the content I plan to write for that particular month.

Secondly, I plan to block out time to write. I want to write my lifestyle posts all in one shot! The fashion segments maybe a bit harder to do without the photography done however, my goal is write as I complete the shoots. Mondays are my days for writing.

I plan to be consistent with publishing. My goal is to have a blog post published every Tuesday and Thursday and I am looking to publishing on Sundays as well. I also plan to post on Instagram everyday of the week. I hope to have 1 week’s worth of IG posts and captions ready to go and scheduled to go live during my most peaked hours.

I plan to incorporate more video content, whether IGTV or YT. I hope to convert some of my current blog posts into videos for those of you that do not like to read. The hard part about video footage for me is editing. But I think I have someone that is willing to help. My goal is post at least one video a week; preferably on IGTV since that is where most of my traffic is coming from.

Lastly, I plan to host another event. I collaborated with Diana Reyes (@dianareystyle) and we put together a networking event in 2017 which was such a success and I had every intention to do another one for 2018 but the year slid by me. I am already in the works on finding a location and have a team together to help me execute. So look out for another networking event. Upon booking a location and setting on a date, I will then pitch to potential speakers for the event. My goal is to base it around social media growth so I want a few people that can shed some light on how to grow your social media platform in efforts to generate more business results.

I share this post in efforts to have all of your hold me accountable. I want to be consistent for you all and continue to engage as much as possible. Leave me a comment or send me DM if you notice that I am not doing what I said I would do! Let’s level up guys!

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