2018 Recap: A Review of the Year

The year has come to a close. As I sit here and write my goals for the new year I cannot help but remininse on the amazing year of growth 2018 has been; all my accomplishments, experiences and lessons definitely made it one for the books. I have learned so much about myself and just life in general. I have read a lot of self-help books, did some soul searching and learned to love myself on a completely different level. I have such mindset changes and I have felt a sense of peace that I have not felt in a long time.

It was a bit of a challenging year to say the least. I began to build a relationship with the Lord and anyone who knows the spiritual walk know how challenging it can be. I was faced with challenges that only God and my faith can get me through. I learned to dedicate time to the Lord, each and every day. I learned the meaning of walking by faith and not by sight. I used to hear this quote so much and never really understood the depths of what it meant until 2018. I learned that my blessings are as big as my faith and since then, I knew that it was time to trust in the Lord, fully and wholeheartedly.

But the greatest lesson of all was that of gratitude. I took my current blessings for granted. I compared myself to so many people and felt resentment towards those that had what I wanted. I learned abundance. I am starting to learn more and more about his grace and how important your perspective is. In moments of fear, worry and anxiety I have witness the grace of God and his presence as he walk this path with me. I have seen his miracles first hand. He has made this year a true life changer for me. Each day I thank Him for the friend and family that I have, for knowing unconditional love, for my children and husband, for the ability to provide for my family and for showing me how amazing I am to him. Knowing he is with me, there is no one that can come against me.

Not only did my spiritual and emotional state grow this year, I also slayed some work related goals. On my IG story, I did a picture recap of each awesome milestone I accomplished each month for the entire year. I did not realize how much I had done this year until I put the story together for Instagram: two television, appearances, one E-Book release, one speaking engagement, four vacations, eight big brand collaborations, one major hosting gig.

You Go Pam!

As we wrap up the year, I want you all to know how extremely thankful I am for each and every single one of you. For continuing to support my brand, reading my blog posts, finding style inspiration from my looks, following me on social media, etc. You will never know how much it all truly means to me. God bless you all and may you all have a beautiful and prosperous new year.

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